I feel strongly about Brunch. It may be a gay thing...the gays love Brunch. It's a delicious time of the week. On Sunday mornings/afternoons, you can satisfy your cravings for Eggs Benedict, Bacon and Croissants & Cheeseburgers, Fish Sticks and Spinach Alfredo. There are no limits to the deliciousness of Brunch.
I've been an advocate of Brunch here in Albuquerque, but my pleas fall on deaf ears. Still, no alcohol can be served before noon on Sundays, and really, a staple of Brunch is a Mimosa. Simple Orange Juice will not do. It MUST have champagne. I think this unfair prohibition on good times and good taste is why Brunch has never taken off in Burque. I've looked and looked, but the closest one gets to Brunch is the all day breakfast at the Flying Star.
Today, I've taken myself to the local Satellite for Peppermint Tea and Croissants to serve as my Brunch. I'm also alone, which is another failure of the Brunch system. I got in late last night from Santa Fe and Boyfriend wanted to go straight to bed. So I woke up and took myself to Brunch. Ran into my friend Angela, who gave me tea, hooray! Also tlaked to my friend Sarah from my Madstone days, and I immediately remembered why i liked her so much. We mourned the passing of Madstone and the used car lot that stands on its indie spirit's grave.
Also, this is an excellent time (my lonely brunches, b/c I'm the only one in ABQ qho believes sostrongly in Brunch) to recap the week:
SO: Hedwig last night at the College of Santa Fe, which is apparantly an art school that I never knew about. It was fantastic! Of course, as with any production, there were flaws, or alternative interpretations of Hedwig. Still, Hedwig was fantastic and radiant. No one could take their eyes off of her, especially during "Wig in a Box." My only wish was that the audience had known Hedwig before. It was nice to get out of town, too. Sometimes you jsut need to. And I'm slowly getting over my Santa Fe bias (one day I'll rant about the upstairs/downstairs way in which that town operates).
Jennifer's on the phone, and I should talk to her (a cat just ran into her apartment, fun!), but i'll leave you with this:
tomorrow night: HomoRevolution Tour!