Thursday, May 3, 2007

Library Vision

I've spent my entire day in the library (with the exception of erecting a chicken wire, really, I did!! I'm so butch), and my vision is going a little wonky.

First, to borrow from a crazy, I'm starting to see the world in fractals. (Holla, Gauche Caviar!)

Also, I'm pretty sure the girl who walked by a minute ago was a Gay Unicorn!

So I close my eyes and imagine myself here.

Ok, point is I'm fucked up & I've spent too much damn time in the library, and so i turn to YouTube.


gauche caviar said...
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gauche caviar said...

i'm puzzled by your suggestion that i see the world in fractals. given my current state of mind, wouldn't you say that i am seeing things in more euclidean terms?