Wednesday, May 23, 2007

My Faith in Love Restored, Part Deux

Awesome. Ok, so I've flaked on everyone for the last 5 or 6 days, sorry. But this is what I've been up to, and will continue to be up to. I promise to do my best to not become obnoxious about this, but I'm in love. And it's awesome. Also, he makes funny faces in pictures. He makes me laugh. Awesome!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

My Faith in Love, Restored

I'm a big fan of The Office, both British and American. I spent a week over winter break of senior year of undergrad watching The British Office. It was a brilliant week that gave me faith in sitcom writers (a faith granted also by Arrested Development), and also inflated my ego because I was down with British humor. Any reason to elevate my ego in the name of "culture" = Awesome.
Sure, it was dry, and that's why "Pacey" left and ignored me for a week while I was a Anglophile. (ok, I'll admit that I suddenly started using British phrases at inappropriate times, ex: "Pacey, don't be a poofter, where's the loo?" at his parents' home & "I want a fag!"in a crowded restaurant .)
But the ending of Series 2 was ambiguous and heartbreaking and convinced me that true love will never work out. I was sad and delighted all at once (and confused b/c that's a big range of emotions, and sometimes I am very simple). SPOILER: Lucy leaves England to move to Tampa with her fiancee Lee after Tim finally asked her to be with him. I was a broken man for a week over this, but eventually I found a new show and moved on, but with disappointment shadowing my TV love-life. Then, almost 3 years later I netflix-ed the wrap-up Christmas Special. Near the end, I'm certian that Tim and Dawn will never actually be together and I've accepted their fate (and the fact that I was going to spend the entire night lonely and miserable...ok, I was feeling dramatic, I can admit that, but I was really sad!!!) BUT, Lucy walked back in to claim her man, and they held hands in the most tender "Us Against the World" way. This moment restored my faith in love. On TV, everyone ends up coupled, but there was no such guarantee on The Office (which is why, perhaps, it was so moving to so many people). This was a little more real, relatable, and we've all felt a little like Tim.
Enough of my hopeless romantic ramblings. I just wanted to share my relief and happiness of Tim and Dawn...even though this kinda happened like 5 years ago...hmmm....And at this point, I'll return to crushing on the boy who made my latte this morning. Cute.

Friday, May 4, 2007


Gauche Caviar reminded me of a particlarly creative Shrimp Monday. I was a top model turned Patron Saint du Vin. Bonjour!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Library Vision

I've spent my entire day in the library (with the exception of erecting a chicken wire, really, I did!! I'm so butch), and my vision is going a little wonky.

First, to borrow from a crazy, I'm starting to see the world in fractals. (Holla, Gauche Caviar!)

Also, I'm pretty sure the girl who walked by a minute ago was a Gay Unicorn!

So I close my eyes and imagine myself here.

Ok, point is I'm fucked up & I've spent too much damn time in the library, and so i turn to YouTube.