This is Mika, and I love him. Thankfully I downed a Long Island Iced Tea and worked up some liquid courage to run back and take this picture (well, harranged Jennifer into taking it). This is, officially, my most prized possession of the week. I was in the front row for the concert, which was a little weird b/c we were only 2 feet away from him. I'm sure his sense of space was a little violated, but for a good cause (namely satisfying this boy's crush). After the Fratellis (who rock in a very Franz Ferdinand way) I dragged Jennifer to the front, mostly against her wishes and against the wishes of our very sore/tired bodies that had been standing all day. His performance was great, but brief, and he was wearing lavendar courduroy...do with that what you will. He sang "Grace Kelly" which pretty much made SXSW for me. He was swarmed with Austin's Gay Mafia and rabid Perez Hilton readers (I fell somewhere in the middle), but still I got to meet him and take a picture and make some comment (really, can't remember details as i was overwhelmed with adrenaline) about the Scissor Sisters. He smiled and I got a close hug and put my arm around his waist. That's right. 1st base in under 30 seconds. Awesome. This was followed by a cool goodbye, a quick walk out of the bar, and lots of screaming as Jennifer looked on in confusion. Also met P*rez H*lton a few minutes before Mika, but that's not very interesting comparatively. Alarming, yes. Interesting, no. Fat, yes. Striped, yes. Star-struck, no. And Jessica Simpson's dad was somewhere around. Weird. But really, the point is that i met Mika who has the distinction/blessing/curse of being big in England. Love him, and so do the Brits.
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