Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Texan Hiakus

A dear friend of mine was kind of enough to drive me to San Antonio from Austin, but made sure to feul me with mimosas for the road. What happened was creative response to the environment into which we were thrust. It resembled what is best perhaps described as the 3rd Ring of Hell, in between the 2nd (reserved for dry cappuccino drinkers) and the 4th (cranky white men who use the word "chafe").

Here are some creative gems:

ironic mustache
tight black jeans and converse shoes
beat up in high school

david has the soul
jennifer has his money
now we can't hear well

jesus fucking christ
it's all disposable shit
large scale soul sucker**

giraffes in texas
no matter what, it's not right
what a travesty.***

blow me new braunfels
and blow gauche caviar too
we don't like strip malls

i get it texas
you like your flags huge and high
compensating much?

**walmart distribution center
***south texas "a wild and vivid land"?

1 comment:

gauche caviar said...

i too am going to be self-congratulatory on our asshole-ness